Strategic Plan

Our Mission

To support and empower Kimberley people and communities to understand their rights and responsibilities, and to overcome injustice.

Our Vision

Dignity and justice for all people in the Kimberley.

Our Values

Empathy and Respect

We will be understanding, non-judgemental and will treat all people with acceptance and dignity, respecting culture, social and individual values and differences. 

Tenacity and Commitment

We will be proactive, organised and committed to excellence, and persistent in our work, driven by client needs and the pursuit of social justice.

Integrity and Equity

We will be honest, fair, and transparent in our dealings and will be accountable for our actions and commitments.

Teamwork and Collaboration

We will support each other and foster teamwork in the workplace and collaborative partnerships to achieve our mission.

Resilience and Curiosity

We will always seek to improve what we do, welcome feedback, and explore innovative approaches.

Listening and Inclusiveness

We will prioritise people-centred approaches, and create culturally and psychologically safe spaces for clients and staff alike.

Our Strategic Priorities

A sustainable and innovative service model

  • Develop a staff attraction and retention strategy to enhance workplace culture and wellbeing.

  • Review the KCLS business model and organisational structure to ensure operational sustainability.

  • Explore diversified funding opportunities from government and private sources to ensure financial sustainability.

  • Use data about our impact to shape our opera9ons and services.

Accessible, holistic, culturally safe and empowering service provision

  • Deliver holistic and high quality legal, financial counselling and social support services across the Kimberley.

  • Strengthen relationships with other agencies to enable a ‘no wrong door’ approach and supported client referrals.

  • Develop a Reconciliation Action Plan to enhance cultural safety in the workplace.

  • Increase Aboriginal participation and inclusion in all that we do.

  • Encourage and enable capability building with our client communities to enable them to understand and exercise their legal rights and responsibilities.

A strong and effective advocate

  • Actively seek to advocate on issues and influence policies that impact clients to ultimately create system change.

  • Strengthen relationships with government to create greater accountability.

Well-reputed and well-known service

  • Develop a communications strategy for KCLS to improve internal communication capability and engage external stakeholders.

  • Foster strong, strategic local and national collaborations and alliances.

Download a copy of the current KCLS Strategic Plan by clicking the link below.

2025-2028 KCLS Strategic Plan