Dignity and justice for all people in the Kimberley

KCLS is an independent, not-for-profit community legal and social work service based in the Kimberley Region of Western Australia with offices in both Kununurra and Broome, delivering free legal and support services to clients in major towns and outreach locations.

KCLS is the largest remotely located civil law service in Australia, and 85 per cent of our clients are Aboriginal.

KCLS takes an integrated practice approach with professionals from the legal, social work and financial counselling teams working together on individual client matters to ensure a holistic approach in addressing each client’s needs; legal and non-legal. Additionally, through this collaboration, the teams can work on wider, systemic issue affecting our client base and the Kimberley community generally, often teaming up to provide submissions on matters of law reform and public interest.

KCLS forms part of a national network of community-based legal services and is a member of the National Association and Community Legal Centres (NACLC) and Community Legal Centres Association (WA) Inc. KCLS’s participation in a range of networks provides opportunities for joint initiatives and partnerships in professional development, program delivery, policymaking, and law reform.

KCLS is governed by a community-based Board of Management that is reflective of the region.

Our Mission

To support and empower Kimberley people and communities to understand their rights and responsibilities, and to overcome injustice.

Our Vision

Dignity and justice for all people in the Kimberley.


Watch this space - New website coming soon